Unique Forecasts Serving investors since 1989
Investor Education
Efficient Markets?
Zero-Sum Game
The Nature of Risk
Risk and Growth
Lessons From Yale
Lessons From Yale Old

This year our site “Unique Forecasts” is proudly celebrating its 10th anniversary. During this period we experienced extreme market conditions and unprecedented external events that greatly impacted the economy, financial markets and our personal lives.  Throughout this decade we succeeded in keep investors on the “right” side of the market. Our Q&D indicator’s long-term performance  is a matter of a public record.


We have managed to do this without charging membership or subscription fees and without cluttering the site with advertisements. But maintaining the website and producing the weekly forecasts is not a free endeavor. We are therefore enabling the “Support” function for the website. If you enjoy visiting “Unique Forecasts” every week and gain financial benefit from our forecasts, please consider giving some value back by clicking here.   Thank you for your support during the last decade.


Arie Vilner

Unique Forecasts Forecasts Investor Education Vilner Enterprises, Inc.